Why should your child learn a second language? - Loritos World
Why should your child learn a second language?

Learning a new language is fun, and rewarding for your children. It is fulfilling, and good for the brain and their social life. It also prepares them for the future in different ways. Learning a new language has many direct and indirect benefits for your children. Let us look at the benefits of learning a new language below.

1. Good for the Mind

Learning a new language improves memory and focus in your children. It helps your children apply many viewpoints to a problem. Your children become more creative and think out of the box. They develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Their mind is more flexible and they can multi-task better. It also helps your children form their thoughts into speech. In simple words, learning a new language helps your children speak well.

2. Understand their Native Language Better

Learning a new language helps your children understand their own language better. Your children compare both languages. And then apply the concepts and terms to their native language. This helps your children be more aware of the nuances of their native language. This includes grammar and sentence structure among others. Your children read more and perform better in tests of their native language.

3. Better Grades

Learning a second language helps your children read and write better. It improves their math skills too. Studies found that students who speak a second language have higher SAT scores.

4. Prepares for Higher Studies

Learning a new language prepares your children for higher studies. They perform well in their chosen foreign language classes. Both in high school and college levels.

5. Raised Empathy and Social Skills

Learning a new language develops empathy in your children. Their social skills improve and they become more aware of other cultures. Your children are positive and accepting of other cultures. Your children do not isolate themselves. Instead, they connect and mingle with people of other cultures and languages. And this habit lasts a lifetime and helps them understand what others are feeling.

6. Broader Reach and Access

Learn Spanish and you can speak to around 460 million people. Learn French and you can reach around 100 million people worldwide. And this is other than your native language. By learning a new language, your children get a broader worldview. They explore and gain insight into other cultures. Learning a new language raises your children’s confidence. It also makes travel fun and easy for them.

7. Speak Like a Native

Learning a new language helps your children speak like a native speakers. Your children pick on the nuances and context of the target language. This may feel tricky to adults but is easy for children. Starting young makes it easy for them to become fluent in the second language.

8. An Ear for Music

Asian languages are tonal languages. Here the difference in pitch and inflection changes the meaning of words. Learning such a language helps your children gain clarity in music as well. It allows your children to pick out musical pitches better than others.  

9. Better Career Chances

Learning a second language helps your children as adults too. Command of a second language boosts their CV and chances of getting a job. The world is getting smaller and more connected than ever before. Multi-language skills broaden your children’s career options. Learning a new language makes your children stand out from others.

10. Helps in Old Age Too

People who speak two or more languages keep a sharp mind in old age. Learning a new language develops new cells and grey matter in the brain. So, teach your children a new language and they will thank you when they are old.

Final Thoughts

So, these are some of the benefits of learning a new language for children. Immersion language learning is a great way to teach your children a new language. Reach out to us to learn more about immersion language learning.