Our app is available for kids ages 3-10 when a second-language acquisition has proven to be the easiest. Young children acquire language as quickly as they learn to walk and naturally absorb a second language through play and exploration.
Our curriculum allows students to interact in all three modes of communication; interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational at an age-appropriate level.
Each learning unit is planned with a backward design model, and our selection of high-frequency core vocabulary is always presented in context.
Our games provide instant feedback and constantly reinforce vocabulary and target structures.
Our app empowers kids to develop creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.
We have over 100 language-learning games throughout the app that will have your child motivated and challenged throughout.
Meet the Loritos World squad! Our fun characters will help your little one through their language learning journey.
Founder Ernesto Chavez provides dynamic video lessons throughout the app to teach each target structure.
Our songs reinforce vocabulary and target specific grammatical structures. Every song is designed to be catchy and memorable, so kids can easily retain the new words and phrases they are learning.
Our interactive stories are designed to put everything into context with colorful characters, music, sound effects, and an immersive narrative that helps kids stay engaged.
The parent zone provides helpful insights into your child’s learning process and many extra resources, such as unit guides, translations, and worksheets, for families to practice at home.
Loriland is our squad’s headquarters and where our students can use their Loricoins. Loricoings are the in-game currency that is earned by completing activities throughout the app. There is no real-world cost for Loricoins. They can be used to shop for items, clothes, and accessories in the Shop Center.